Our CT-109 (Now MPQP) Certification Service

When it comes to maintaining the highest standards in your processes, we at LSI Scales know how important precision and accuracy are. Because of this, we're happy to offer our CT-109 Certification service. This approval ensures that your equipment is up to standard and meets the high-quality standards needed in today's market. You can count on LSI Scales to provide you with reliable and approved verification services that will make your production processes better.

CT-109 Certification Service

Why CT-109 Certification Matters

CT-109 Certification isn't just a necessary requirement; it shows that you are dedicated to doing the best job possible. By getting this certification, you show the people who matter that your business operates with accuracy and in line with the greatest standards. This not only makes your image better, but it also shows your clients and business partners that you are committed to quality.

Why Our CT-109 Certification Service is Best

Here are the reasons why you should choose us and what makes us best.

Comprehensive Calibration Testing

The calibration testing of cement and aggregate proportioning devices is an important part of our CT-109 Certification service. A platform scale must be at the calibration spot to make sure the calibration is correct. This platform scale needs to meet certain requirements. It can hold up to 2.5 tons and have graduations of up to 1 pound. This exact process of calibration makes sure that your measuring tools work right, which leads to regular and reliable production results.

Witness Scale Error Testing

Weighing and measuring stuff correctly is very important in any work setting. We use test weights that are in line with the Master Product Quality Plan (MPQP) for witness scale error testing as part of our CT-109 Certification. The strict testing makes sure that the witness scale is within two graduations of the test-weight load. This gives you peace of mind that your readings are correct.

On-Site Calibration Availability

To ensure smooth production, the scale and other tools needed to calibrate proportioning systems must be at the production site at all times. This on-site access means that changes can be made quickly, reducing downtime and keeping operations running smoothly. And we LSI Scales are here for you.

Adherence to Stringent Procedures

We at LSI Scales do everything that needs to be done to test and approve weighing and measuring tools. Our careful process makes sure that each thing we certify is accurate and reliable to the highest standards. Our team of experts is committed to providing thorough and accurate testing services that make sure your equipment is always up to code and working at its best.

Partner with LSI Scales for Excellence

If you choose LSI Scales for your CT-109 Certification, you'll be working with a company that cares about quality, accuracy, and following the rules. Our certification services are meant to help you reach your operational goals by making sure that your equipment meets the greatest standards in the industry and works with the highest level of precision.

Do not rely on chance when fulfilling your responsibilities. You can depend on LSI Scales to give you the licensing services you need to stay ahead in your field. Get in touch with us right away to find out more about our CT-109 Certification and how we can help you live up to your standards of quality and greatness.


What is CT-109 Certification and why is it important?

CT-109 Certification is a service that makes sure your equipment, especially devices that measure cement and gravel, meets quality and industry standards. With this certification, you can be sure that your tasks are done correctly and reliably.

Getting CT-109 Certification service shows that you are dedicated to keeping your operations up to high levels of accuracy and compliance. It improves your image and reassures clients that you are committed to quality.

What equipment is required for CT-109 Certification?

You need a platform scale that can hold up to 2.5 tons and has graduations of up to 1 pound for the calibration tests needed for CT-109 Certification. This scale needs to be at the place of calibration.

How long does the CT-109 Certification process take?

It depends on the standards and condition of your equipment and how long the certification process takes. For a more specific timeline based on your needs, please get in touch with our team.

How can I prepare for the CT-109 Certification process?

To get ready for CT-109 Certification, make sure that your platform scale meets the requirements (it should be able to hold up to 2.5 tons and have 1.0-pound graduations). Also, make sure your team is ready for the testing process and that all the necessary tools are on hand.

We hope that answering these frequent questions will give you a better idea of our CT-109 Certification service and how it can help your business. We encourage you to get in touch with us if you have any more questions.